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                  首頁>產品中心>化工工具>壓頭>QGPR104ABB壓頭QGPR104 YM114002-AA樣本

                  ABB壓頭QGPR104 YM114002-AA樣本


                  ABB壓頭QGPR104 YM114002-AA樣本



                  ABB壓頭QGPR104 YM114002-AA樣本





                  瑞士ABB壓頭QGPR104 QGPR102的應用范圍

                  包括壓頭在內的標準電氣設備構成了從0.1至1.6 MN的額定力的力測量系統(tǒng)。


                  QGPR 102/104壓頭的典型應用領域是在管道和管道磨機中,特別適用于(金屬)管道擠壓和管道矯直機器的安裝。 QGPR 102/104壓頭也可以用于平面軋機,其軋制力的大小小于可用其他zui小可用的ABB輥力測力傳感器測量的力的大小(即當軋制熱軋或冷軋更小的尺寸)。

                  由于QGPR104壓頭的安裝高度較小,因此特別適用于壓頭測量方向的可用空間太小而無法使用QGPR 102稱重傳感器的場合。

                  The standard electrical equipment, including the load cells, constitutes a force measuring system for nominal forces from 0.1 up to 1.6 MN.

                  QGPR 102/104 load cells constitute the force sensing units of the equipment. These are annular in shape and are therefore suitable for installation on shafts where the axial forces are to be measured, e.g., in rolling mills where they are installed between the mill screw nuts and the mill stand. In this case, two load cells are used, one at each end of the rolls. Due to their location, the load cells sense the main forces acting on the mill stand. See figure Load cell location in a mill stand.

                  Typical application area of QGPR 102/104 load cells are in pipe and tube mills particularly for installation in (metallic) pipe extrusion and pipe straightening machines. QGPR 102/104 load cells can also be used in flat rolling mills where the magnitude of the roll forces is smaller than the force magnitudes that can be measured with other smallest available ABB Roll Force load cell types (i.e. when rolling hot or cold strips of smaller dimensions).

                  Due to the smaller installation height of QGPR 104 load cells, they are particularly suitable for installations where the available space in the measuring direction of the load cell is too small for using QGPR 102 load cells.


                  瑞士ABB壓頭QGPR104 YM114002-AA測量原理




                  Pressductor® technology is based on the change of the magneto-elastic properties in the material which the load cell core is made of. The load-dependent change of the magnetic properties of the material is in this way used for inducing a voltage over a secondary measurement winding in the load cell core.

                  The core of a load cell consists of a large number of turns. The turns are made of magneto-elastic plate winded around an inner ring. One single measuring zone will consist of the four holes in one turn plate with associated excitation and measurement signal windings.

                  The primary excitation winding is supplied with a special alternating current, creating a magnetic flux in the adjacent steel. As long as no load is applied to the transducer element, no net magnetic flux will occur around the secondary, signal, winding at the standard excitation. When the transducer is exposed to a force in the measurement direction, the magneto-elastic change in the steel will allow the magnetic flux to incorporate the secondary winding, inducing an AC voltage proportional to the applied force.


                  瑞士ABB壓頭QGPR104 YM114002-AA技術參數



                  瑞士ABB壓頭QGPR104 YM114002-AA尺寸圖


                  愛澤工業(yè)(IZE INDUSTRIES)*經銷、常用備件型號

                  ABB壓頭QGPR104 YM114002-AA







                  如果有任何關于瑞士ABB壓頭QGPR104 YM114002-AA的疑問,請隨時與我們,愛澤工業(yè)(86-)。我們將盡全力解決您的問題。



                  If you have any question, please feel free to dial 0086-21-3100 6702 or browse our website: www.ize-industries。。com.




                  瑞士ABB壓頭QGPR104 YM114002-AA電氣參數及外觀尺寸


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